Allah's Miracles
Check out some really cool things that have 100% occured. Enjoy :)
This is a recent Miracle discovered in the forest near Sydney (Australia). This tree is bowed in a posture of Muslim's prayer. Moreover, the tree is bowed directly to the direction of Kaa'ba at Mecca (the Holy Mosque in Saudi Arabia). Closer sight shows Turban on head and even the shape of the hands touching the knees. Also Scientists noticed that there is not a sign of any artificial shaping of the tree. ALLAH-U-AKBAR!

Allah Tree
This picture below was taken this morning near the Safaniya beach in the eastern province. Aramco security & industrial security force are debating as to whether to issue a warring close the beach or do nothing and assist in man power control investigation resulted that there are more than 3500 for this kind of human-animal in the tanajib area. It is 25 years since last time it was seen in the tanajib area.

Kalma Picture
The branches clearly say in Arabic that - there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad (P.B.U.H.)is the Messenger of Allah. This is said to be a scene on a piece of cultivated farmland in Germany. Many Germans have been said to have embraced Islam upon seeing this miraculous sight. The German government has put steel fences around that part of the farm to prevent people from visiting and witnessing this miraculous site.
Oily Red Rose Nebula
From Quran Surat Ar-Rahman Ayah 37 and the Hubble Telescope via NASA See the attached picture file, the RED ROSE NEBULA, see what Quran said at Surah 55 (Ar-Rahman), Ayah 37!We see it now in the years 1999/2000! and Quran mentioned it almost 1400 years ago. The picture is taken by the NASA Hubble Space Telescope of the "Cat's Eye Nebula." It is an exploding star 3,000 lightyears away. They should have called it the "Oily Red Rose Nebula." As the Quran states in Ar-Rahman, "When the sky is torn apart, so it was (like) a red rose, like ointment." Quran[Surah55:Ayah37]

The story of fish began when Mr. George Wehbi, a Christian lebanese was practising his fish hobby, in Dakar,(the Capital of West Africa). He caught many fish. When he went home his wife saw among them a strange fish about 50 cms in length, with some Arabic writing on it. he took it to Sheikh al-zein, who read clearly what was written in a natural way, that could not be done by a human being, but rather a Godly creation which the fish was born with. He read "God's servant" on its belly and "Muhammad" near its head, and "His Messenger" on its tail.

In 19 June 1999 Mr L. Storey from London, England attended a Transmission Meditation workshop led by Benjamin Crème in London. The following day he discovered a stone with Arabic writing on it, on a pile of clothes in his bedroom. It took him a while find someone to read it for him, when he did he was amazed to hear it read: "I bear witness there is only one God, and I bear witness Mohammed was his Prophet."