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Virtues of Salawaat(Durood) |
*It has come in the hadeeth shareef that when people gather in any gathering and they do not remember Allah Ta'ala nor is durood and salaam sent on His Nabi(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam),on the Day of Qiyamat their gatherings will be a means of regret even though they have entered jannat, due to being deprived of the reward of the remembrance of Allah and durood and salaam.
*It has been reported in the hadeeth shareef that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "Send durood and salaam upon me in abundance on Friday because your durood and salaam is presented before me (especially on the day of Friday)."
*It has been narrated in another hadeeth that whoever sends durood on me on Friday his durood is (especially) and most certainly presented before me.
*It has come in another hadeeth: "Whoever sends salaam to me (especially in a standing position at my Rowdha my soul is returned to me (i.e. I turn my attention to him) until I give the answer to his salaam)."
*In yet another hadeeth it has come that Huzoor Aqdas Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: "On the Day of Qiyamat the person most nearest to me will be the person who conferred most durood upon me."
*It has come in another hadeeth that Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "A miser is he, before whom my name is mentioned and he does not send durood upon me."
*It has come in another hadeeth that Huzoor (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) has said: "You should send durood upon me abundantly because this durood is a means of purifying your own self."
*It has come in another hadeeth that Huzoor Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: "May that person be disgraced before whom my mention is made and he does not send durood upon me."
*In one other hadeeth it has come that Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam has said: "Before whomever my name is mentioned he should send durood upon me because that person who sends durood upon me once, Allah Ta'ala will send ten mercies upon him." *In another hadeeth Huzoor Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam has said: "Whoever mentions me should send durood upon me." *In yet another hadeeth Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam has explained the means of how the durood reaches him, that, verily, there are some angels ordered by Allah who roam around the assemblies and gatherings of the earth and around the Muslims, to present the durood of my ummat before me.
*In another hadeeth Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: "Once I met Jibraeel Alayhis Salaam and he gave me glad tidings by saying:'Your Lord says: Whoever sends durood upon you I will descend upon him My Special Mercy And whoever sends salaam upon you, then I will descend upon him My Special Peace. On this I performed a Sajda-e-Shukr (ie. prostration of gratitude) in the Court of Allah`.
*In another hadeeth it has been reported that Hazrat Ubay bin Kaab Radiallahu anhu came in the service of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam and said: "O Rasulullah! I have devoted (made wakf) all my time of zikr and du'aa in sending durood upon you.' Huzoor Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: "Then all your dificulties will be solved, your needs will be fulfilled and your sins will be forgiven... (until the end of the hadeeth)
*It has come in another hadeeth that whoever sends durood upon me once Allah Ta'ala will send ten mercies upon him.
*In yet another hadeeth shareef it has been narrated that one day Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam came;and on the blessed face of Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam the signs of happiness and joy were visible. Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: "Just now Jibraeel Alayhis Salaam came to me and said that your Lord has said: O Mohammad! Will you not be happy with this good news that from your ummat whoever will send durood upon you once I will send ten mercies upon him and from your ummat whoever sends salaam upon you once I will send peace upon him ten times.'
*It has come in another hadeeth shareef that Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: 'Whoever sends durood upon me once Allah Taala sends ten mercies upon him, ten of his sins are forgiven, in jannat ten of his stages are raised and ten rewards are written for him.'
*It has come in another hadeeth shareef that the person who sends durood upon Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam once, Allah and His Angels sends seventy mercies upon him.
* Hazrat Anas Radiallahu anhu says:'That every du'aa is prevented from reaching the Court of Allah until the person making du'aa sends durood upon Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam and upon the family of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam (then it reaches the Court of Allah and is accepted). |
Tests for the Believers
A persons life in this world is not stable. One passes through alternating periods of happiness and dismay, strength and weakness. wealth and poverty, health and sickness etc. A true believer is one who maintains a clear level of Eemaan throughout the worldly fluctuations. He continues to remember Allah and ascribe the bounties to Him; and he turns to Him in submission, asking for relief from his affliction. This is described by the Messenger (SAW) who said: " Indeed amazing are the affairs of a believer ! They are all for his benefit; If he is granted ease of living he is thankful; and this is best for him. And if he is afflicted with a hardship, he perseveres; and this is best or him." [ Muslim ]
And Allah (S) said (which means); " Certainly, We shall test you with fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits; but give glad tidings to the patient - those who, when afflicted with calamity say, "Truly to Allah we belong, and truly to Him shall we return." it is those who will be awarded blessings and mercy from their Lord; and it is those who are the guided ones." [ 2:155-157 ]
Thus, a believer shows gratitude and thankfulness for all the wonderful blessings that Allah grants him. And he displays patience and submission during sickness and hardships, hunger, or other afflictions.
Hardships Benefit the Believer
Allah has decreed that, in this life, hardships and disasters strike both believers and non-believers. For a non-believer, they are inconveniences that hinder him from proceeding with his normal involvement in the worldly life. For a believer, on the other hand, they are instances of rest and remembrance, tests that promise great rewards, and indications of atonement and expiation of sins. Regardless of how little is the harm that strikes a believer, it carries with it good news of forgiveness and elevated rank ( in Jannah ). The Righteous Predecessors used to be pleased when a hardship afflicted them, seeing it as a token of Allah's forgiveness and benevolence.
Expiations of Sins
Abu Hurayrah (RA) reported that the Prophet said: " Hardships continue to befall a believing man and woman in their body, family, and property, until they meet Allah (S) burdened with no sins. " [Tirmithee ]
Sign of Allah's Love
Abu Hurayrah (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: " Whenever Allah wills good for a person, He subjects him to adversity" [Bukharee and others ]
Sign of Eeman
Abu Hurayrah (RA) and Ka'b Bin Maalik (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: " The parable of a believer is that of a fresh and moist plant; the wind tilts it this way and that way; and so is the believer; he continues to be subject to affliction. And the parable of a hypocrite is that of a firm cedar tree; it does not shake - until it is uprooted all at once." [Bukharee and Muslim ]
Sign of Righteousness
The prophets and righteous people are afflicted the most, and their rewards are the highest. Sa'd (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: " The most in their suffering among the people are the prophets, then the best, then the (next) best. One is afflicted in accordance with his deen (faith). If his deen is firm his affliction is hard, and if his deen is weak, his affliction is light. Indeed, one would be so much subjected to adversity until he walks among the people without any sins. " [Ahmad, Tirmithee ]
Early Punishment
Anas (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: " When Allah wills good for a servant of His, He expedites his punishment in this life; and when He wills retribution for a servant of His, He holds his sins for Him to judge him by them on the Day of Resurrection. " [Tirmithee ]
Multiplication of Rewards
Anas (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: " The amount of reward is in accordance with the amount of suffering. When Allah (SWT) loves some people, He tries them (with affliction). He who then is content (with Allah's decree) has achieved the acceptance (of Allah), and he who is dissatisfied (with Allah's decree) will attain the anger (of Allah)." [ Tirmithee ]
Rewards for Sickness
One should not look to sickness as a gloomy episode, but should remember the great good in it. It is one form of affliction with which Allah (SWT) tests His 'ibaad (servants), giving them a chance to acquire rewards, as was explained above, as is further emphasized below.
Removal of Sins and Elevation in Ranks
Abu Hurayrah (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: " Whenever a Muslim is afflicted by harm from sickness or other matters, Allah will drop his sins because of that, like a tree drops its leaves." [Bukharee and Muslim ]
Abu Sa'eed al-Khudree (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: " A Muslim is not afflicted by hardship, sickness, sadness, worry, harm, or depression - even if pricked by a thorn, but Allah expiates his sins because of that. " [ Bukharee and Muslim ]
Sa'eed said, " I was with Salmaan (RA) when he visited a sick man in Kindah ( in Persia ), and he said to him: " Expect good because Allah (SWT) makes a believers sickness an expiation (for his sins) and a period of rest. However, when a disbeliever falls sick, he is like a camel whose owner ties it then lets it loose - it does not understand why it was tied nor why it was freed."" [ Bukharee ]
'Aishah (RA) narrated that once some pain afflicted the Prophet (SAW) causing him to suffer and turn about in his bed. she said: " Had one of us done this, you would have blamed him." He (SAW) replied: " An ailment is intensified for the righteous. whenever a believer is afflicted by a hardship, whether it is a thorn or more, a sin is taken off from him because of it, and he is elevated by one rank (in Jannah). " [Ahmad ]
Retaining Rewards for Deeds Before Sickness
Usually, when a believer falls sick, he would not be able to do the same amount of good (prayer, fasting, helping Muslims etc) that he used to do when he was well. But Allah out of His great mercy, continues to record for him the good deeds that he was forced to stop because of his sickness. Abu Moosa Al-Ash'aree narrated that the Prophet (SAW) said: " For a traveling or sick person, his deeds will be recorded in accordance with what he used to do when he was resident or well." [Bukharee ]
'Abdullah Bin 'Amr reported that the Prophet said: " No (believing) person gets sick, but (his deeds) will be recorded for him in accordance with what he used to do when he was well." [ Bukharee ]
Anas (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: " No Muslims body is afflicted by Allah, but He will record (his deeds) foe him in accordance with what he used to do when he was well - as long as he is sick. Thus, if He takes his life, He forgives him; and if He cures him, He washes him (from sins)." [ Bukharee ]
'Uqbah Bin 'Aamir reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: " Each days deeds are sealed with it. thus, when a believer gets sick, the angels say, " Our lord! Your servant such and such, You have restrained him (from doing good this day)." And the lord replies, " Seal his day in accordance with his (usual) deeds, until he is cured or dies". [Ahmad]
Reason for the Reward
'Atta Bin Rabaah reported that Ibn 'Abbaas (RA) told him, "Do you want to see a woman from the people of Jannah (paradise)?" He said "Yes". He said: " It is this black woman. She came to the Prophet (SAW) saying, " I have (epileptic) seizures, and I get exposed, so supplicate to Allah for me." He (SAW) said: " If you wish, be patient and you will attain Jannah; or if you wish, I will ask Allah to cure you."
She replied, " I will be patient ! But my body gets exposed (because of the fall), so supplicate to Allah for me that I do not become exposed." and he (SAW) did." [ Bukharee and Muslim ]
The scholars have differed in opinion as to whether a sick person will be rewarded for the sickness itself or for being patient during it. the correct opinion is that if he is patient and submits to Allah's will, as in the above hadeeth, he would be rewarded for both the submission and the sickness, otherwise, he would not be rewarded at all; because he resented Allah's decree. This is what should be understood from Ibn hajar al -'Asqalaanees words:
" The authentic hadeeths are clear in that the rewards are recorded once affliction strikes a Muslim. As for patience and acceptance, they are virtues for which a person may get additional rewards over those for the affliction."
'Abdullah Bin 'Amr reported that the Prophet (SAW) said: " If a Muslim is pricked by (as little as) a thorn in the worldly life, and he seeks its reward from Allah, some of his sins will be removed, because of it, on the Day of Judgement." [ Bukharee ]
Hadith of the month
Khaulah Al-Ansariyah (may Allah be pleased with her) said that she heard the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) saying:
Many people are using the property of Allah unrightfully. For them is Hell on the Day of Judgment.
(Reported by Al-Bukhari)
Lessons Deduced:
- Public money should not be used for private interests. Encroachment on public money is one of the grievous sins which incur punishment in the Hereafter.
- Islam takes all measures to protect public money and public properties
Easy Actions For Which Rewards Are Multiplied
How great will be the regret of those who waste the opportunity!
1. Preserving the ties of kinship: " Whoever wishes that his provision be increased and his age lengthened, let him maintain the ties of kinship." [al-Bukhari and Muslim]
2. Performing many prayers in the two noble Harams (in Makkah and Madinah): "Prayer in this masjid of mine is superior to a thousand prayers elsewhere, except for Masjid al-Haram, and prayer in Masjid al-Haram is superior to one hundred thousand prayers elsewhere." [Ahmad and ibn Majah]
3. Performing prayers in congregation. "Prayer in congregation is superior to praying individually twenty-seven times." [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
4. Praying `Isha and Fajr in congregation: "He who prays Isha' in Jama'ah [congregation] is as if he has prayed for half the night. As to him who (also) prays Fajr in congregation, it is as if he has prayed all night." [narrated by Malik and the wording is that of Muslim who also reported it]
5. Performing voluntary prayers at home. "Superiority of a man's prayer in his home over his prayer when people see him is like the superiority of an obligatory prayer over a voluntary one." [al-Bayhaqi, classed as Saheeh by al-Albani] "The most superior prayer of a person is in his home, except for obligatory prayers." [al-Bukhari and Muslim]
6. Observing some manners of the day of Jumu`ah. "Whoever ghassala (washes his head, and it is said: has intercourse with his wife so that it be a means to lower the gaze from the haram that day) on the day of Jumuah, then comes in the earliest time and before the first khutbah, walks and doesn't ride, stays near the Imam, listens and does not speak - for each step [he makes] he has actions of one year, the reward of fasting and standing in prayer in it." [Ahl as-Sunan]
7. Salat ul-Ishraq. "Whoever prays al-ghadaa (i.e. al fajr) in congregation, then sits remembering Allah until sunrise, then prays two units of prayer, has a complete reward of Hajj and `Umrah [The Prophet, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, repeated 'complete' three times for emphasizing]." [at-Tirmidhi, classed as Saheeh by al-Albani]
8. Attending lectures in the mosque. "Whoever goes to the mosque not desiring except to learn or teach what is good has the reward of a pilgrim who completed his Hajj." [at-Tabarani, classed as Saheeh by Al-Albani]
9. Performing `Umrah in the month of Ramadhan. "`Umrah in Ramadhan is equal to a Hajj with me." [al-Bukhari]
10. Performing obligatory prayers in the Mosque. "Whoever leaves his home in a state of purity to perform obligatory prayer, his reward is like that of a pilgrim (while) in the state of ihram [i.e. he receives reward similar to that of spending time in ihram during Hajj]." [Abu Dawud, classed as Saheeh by Al-Albani] So one should be in a state of purity when leaving one's home, rather than the place for ablution within the mosque, except due to necessity.
11. Being from the people of the first row in congregational prayers. `Irbad bin Saariyah, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, used to seek forgiveness for [the people of] the first row three times, and for [the people of the] second row once." [an-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah]. "Allah and His Angels make salawat upon [the people of] the first row." [Ahmad, with a good isnad]
12. Prayer in Masjid Qubaa' in Madinah: "Whoever purifies himself in his house then comes to Masjid Qubaa' and prays in it has the reward like that of `Umrah." [an-Nasa'i and Ibn Majah]
13. Saying what the caller to prayer says: "Say as they say [i.e. callers to prayer], and when you finish, ask and you will be given." [Abu Dawud and An-Nasa'i] That is, supplicate when you finish repeating after the caller to prayer.
14. Fasting Ramadhan and following it with six days of Shawwal. "Whoever fasts Ramadhan, then follows it with six (days) of Shawwal, it is like fasting all the time." [Muslim]
15. Fasting three days each month. "Whoever fasts three days each month, it s like fasting all the time." [at-Tirmidhi]. This is supported by the verse, "Whoever comes with a good deed for him is a tenfold [reward]." One day being equal to ten days.
16. Providing food for breaking of the fast: "Whoever provides food for breaking of the fast of a fasting person receives the reward of the fasting person, without the reward of the fasting person being reduced in any way." [at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah]
17. Standing in prayer on Laylatul-Qadr. "Laylatul Qadr is better than a thousand months" [Qur'an 97:3], that is, superior to approximately 83 years of worship.
18. Jihad. "Standing of a man in a row (saff) in the way of Allah is superior to 60 years of worship." [al-Hakim, classed as Saheeh by al-Albani] This is the superiority of standing in a row, so what about one who fights in the way of Allah for days, or months, or years?
19. Ribaat. "Whoever takes a post (at borders of Muslim lands, where an enemy may be expected) for a day and night in the way of Allah has the reward of fasting and standing in prayer for a month, and whoever dies in such a state receives a continuous reward similar to it, and is [also] rewarded with provision and saved from al-Fattaan." [Related by Muslim] Al-Fattaan is punishment of the grave.
20. Righteous actions in the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah. "There are no days in which righteous deeds are dearer to Allah than these ten [days of Dhul Hijjah]." They said, "O Messenger, even jihad in the way of Allah?" He said, "Not even jihad in the way of Allah, except for the man who leaves with his wealth, and does not return with any of it (life or wealth)." [al-Bukhari]
21. Frequent recitation of Qur'anic soorahs. "Qul Huwa'Llahu Ahad" is equal to a third of the Qur'an and "Qul yaa ayyuha'l Kaafiroon" is equal to a fourth of the Qur'an." [at-Tabarani, classed as Saheeh by Al-Albani]
22. Al-Istighfaar. "Whoever seeks forgiveness for believing men and believing women, Allah will write for him a good deed for each believing man ad believing woman." [at-Tabarani, classed as Hasan by Al-Albani]
23. Fulfilling people's needs. "That I walk with my Muslim brother in [fulfilling his] need is dearer to me than being in i`tikaf in the masjid for a month." [Ibn Abi Dunya, classed as Hasan by al-Albani]
24. Dhikr. That I say 'Subhaan Allah, wal-Hamdu li'Llah, wa laa ilaaha ill Allahu wa'Llahu Akbar' is dearer to me than what the sun has risen upon." [Muslim]
"Whoever enters a market and says: 'Laa ilaaha ill Allah waHdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul mulku wa lahul Hamdu yuHyi wa yumeetu wa huwa Hayyun laa yamoot, bi yadihil khayr, wahuwa `alaa kulli shay'in qadeer' [there is nothing worthy of worship but Allah, He is alone without partner, to Him belongs dominion and praise, he causes life and death and He is the Living and does not die. In His Hand is all the good, and He is over all things competent.] Allah will write for him a million good deeds, erase a million of his bad deeds and raise him a million levels."[at-Tirmidhi, classed as Hasan by al-Albani] There are many other words of rememberance which are rewarded abundandtly, as is well known.
"There are two blessings which many people lose: good health and free time." [al-Bukhari]